Comprehensive Individualized Curriculum and Instructional Design

Directions for adding embedded questions to CAPs through Qmedia Step 1: On the Qmediaplayer home page, click “Qedit.” Step 2: On the right side of the page, click “File,” then “New.” When a confirmation window pops up, click “yes.” Step 3: Click “Settings” and follow steps below for initial setup. (Other features are available through QMedia. The focus here is on what is most applicable to CAP videos.) Title Enter the CAP title (typically the term being taught) Require user login? If you want to collect data on individual students, click “true.” If you do not want individual student data stored, leave as “false.” Media source (Id or URL) If using a YouTube or vimeo video, enter the entire identifying information of the video. (Eg. For YouTube: For Vimeo: The video should now appear in the player pane when you click the preview button. Stop time Enter duration of CAP video in seconds. Initial width % (0-100) Enter “100”—this feature will make the video fill the browser window. Step 4: Click “Preview” to save progress. Step 5: To add assessment questions, click “Content,” then “Edit assessments” and follow the steps below. Note: In Qmedia terminology, an “assessment” is one stop point in a video that can include one or multiple questions. A “step” is an individual question within an assessment. Step 5.1: Pause the video in the location you want to add an assessment. Step 5.2: Click “Add assessment.” Step 5.3: An untitled assessment will appear. Click “untitled” and rename the assessment. Assessment names are case sensitive and will be used when making data reports. Step 5.4: Click “Add Step.” An untitled step will appear. Step type “Radio” is a standard multiple-choice question. These questions are most appropriate for CAP videos. Radio questions can also be used as true and false questions by entering “true” and “false” as the answer options. Step Id Enter the name of this specific question. Eg. “SOL Question,” “True or False,” etc. Text Enter the directions for the question. Ex. “Choose the best 131