Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
582 • Glossary of grammar terms Object/objeto Who or what receives the verbal action. These can be direct or indirect. In the sentence “I wrote the letter to my sister,” the letter is a direct object (it is written), and the sister is an indirect object. Preposition/preposición Words that indicate relationships between other parts of a sentence, including time, place, and position. Some examples include sobre , de , en , con , and para . Pronoun/pronombre A word that substitutes for a noun, such as it , them , or she . Subject/sujeto Who or what carries out an action and influences the conjugation of a verb. Tense/tiempo A verb tense refers to when the action takes place. Some common verb tenses are present, preterite, imperfect, and present progressive. Tilde/tilde The written accent mark on many Spanish words, such as México . It indicates where the word is stressed and can distinguish it from another word that is spelled the same but has a different meaning. Verb/verbo A word that expresses an action or state.
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