Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
538 • Chapter 6: El cambio y el futuro 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ Module D: A better future Module overview In this final module, you will continue the conversation about hopes and wishes for the future, nowmoving further from the self. You will listen to public figures share what they hope for their countries, students share what they hope communities and the world, and parents share what they hope for their children. You will also practice listening skills, learning more about the ways we can better understand others and their wants and needs. Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can participate fully in a conversation about future plans and goals. ❏ I can ask relevant questions to learn about someone’s hopes and plans. ❏ I can give thorough, detailed responses in a conversation about my future. ❏ I can understand an authentic conversation well enough to be able to focus on conversational strategies (beyond the content of the conversation). Learning objectives: Language Lengua 6.7: Subjunctive in adjective clauses ❏ When reading and listening, I usually understand sentences with the subjunctive in an adjective clause, as long as the vocabulary is otherwise familiar to me. ❏ I can often determine whether an adjective clause should contain the subjunctive or indicative mood. Lengua 6.8: Future tense ❏ I can follow the prescribed steps to create the simple future tense of regular verbs. ❏ With access to notes or a reference page, I can conjugate several common irregular verbs in the future tense. ❏ I can recognize and understand the future tense when reading. ❏ I can sometimes correctly use the future tense in my own writing.
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