Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
468 • Chapter 6: El cambio y el futuro • Mis hijos van a graduarse. • Me voy a mudar a un apartamento nuevo. • Voy a comprar una casa. • Voy a ser famoso. • La discriminación no va a existir. • Voy a dejar de fumar. • La situación con el cambio climático va a cambiar. • Me graduaré. • Voy a la escuela de postgrado. • Voy a viajar a otro país. • Voy a ser abuelo. • Me voy a jubilar. • Los científicos van a identificar curas para varias enfermedades. • Voy a ganar la lotería. • Voy a comprar una motocicleta. • Quisiera aprender una tercera lengua. • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ Module A:Making goals Module overview Welcome to chapter 6, “El cambio y el futuro.” We will begin in this module by talking about what changes we would like to make to improve our own futures. You will discuss your current situation and identify areas where you would like to see change. You will create goals and identify both strategies for reaching them and barriers that may need to be addressed. You will also learn about others’ experiences with pursuing their personal and professional objectives. Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can describe my present circumstances both in conversation and in writing. ❏ I can talk and write about what I believe my future will be like. ❏ I can understand the main idea and several details in a reading about making changes. ❏ I can express hopes and goals for my future. ❏ I can ask simple questions to learn about another person’s hopes and goals.
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