Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

466 •  Chapter 6: El cambio y el futuro goals. You will also identify barriers that might present challenges. Afterward, you will discuss some of the causes that interest you and talk about your contributions toward helping those causes meet their goals. From there, you will share information about some of the changes you hope to see in your world and your community and what will need to happen in order for those changes to occur. You will also discuss the hopes that you have for others in your life, the hopes they have for you, and what others imagine for the future of those around them. This chapter will bring together all of the grammar structures and vocabulary you have been building so far and give you several opportunities to use your interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication skills. Contents Module A: Making goals Lengua 6.1: Pronoun review Lengua 6.2: Adverbs Module B: Activism Lengua 6.3: Forming the present subjunctive Lengua 6.4: Subjunctive with verbs of will and influence Module C: Wishes and hopes Lengua 6.5: Prepositions and the pronouns that follow them Lengua 6.6: Subjunctive with expressions of doubt Module D: A better future Lengua 6.7: Subjunctive in adjective clauses Lengua 6.8: Future tense Reflection and review Repaso de la lengua, capítulo 6 Preparación para el capítulo 6: El cambio y el futuro El capítulo 6 empieza con una exploración de los cambios que experimentamos en la vida y nuestros deseos para nuestros futuros personales y el futuro del mundo en el que vivimos. Antes de que empecemos, ¿qué puedes decir del cambio y el futuro? Reescribe estas frases para que sean ciertas para ti. Si una frase ya es verdad, añade un detalle más. Access audio for this exercise here: https://​drive​.google​.com/​file/​d/​1Tzcv7g7vj6hiuYaPMcRkGnl6Q8uWHpKg/​view​?usp​=​sharing.