Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

454 •  Chapter 5: Nuestro pasado Explica qué pasó después. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe el resultado de esa experiencia. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reflection and review Reflection overview With this review, you will wrap up chapter 5. What are the lessons we learn from our past? What helps us makemeaning of past experiences? Youwill demonstrate your ability to express your thoughts inwriting, work with peers and your instructor to edit your writing, and continue building writing skills. You will also reflect on your language-learning experience so far and determine how you want to approach the next chapter. Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can understand the main idea and several details when reading about or listening to an authentic account of someone’s past experiences. ❏ In writing, I can give a thorough, detailed narration of my own past experiences. ❏ I can talk about language learning itself. 71. Nuestras historias Lee las oraciones e indica si son ciertas o falsas para ti. Luego, escoge tres y da más información. Access audio for this exercise here: https://​drive​.google​.com/​file/​d/​1qXoUHJhvzx​-YG​_​_y3WmVpe4KSEeBtU1Z/​view​?usp​=​sharing. 1. Cuando estoy con amigos, normalmente hay muchas historias. Cierto Falso 2. Cuando estoy con familia, normalmente hay muchas historias. Cierto Falso 3. Comparto algunas historias en internet, en un blog o en Facebook. Cierto Falso 4. Cuando algo importante ocurre, me gusta contárselo a un amigo. Cierto Falso