Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
410 • Chapter 5: Nuestro pasado Module C: Long-term goals Module overview In this module, you will learn about the long-term goals of several different people and about the steps they took in the past to meet those goals. You will also discuss how their past motivations are impacting their current situations. You will discuss with classmates things that you have always wanted to do and identify ways to overcome the barriers that may have kept you from meeting your goals. Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can engage in a basic conversation about experiences I have had. ❏ I can participate actively in a conversation about past experiences. ❏ I can ask and answer basic questions about past experiences. ❏ I can understand the main idea and several details when reading about or listening to someone talk about their past experiences. ❏ I can respond in a logical way when someone narrates their past experiences. Learning objectives: Language Lengua 5.5: Imperfect tense ❏ I can explain, in general terms, what the imperfect tense is. ❏ If I know a verb is regular, I can conjugate it in the imperfect tense, though it may take me longer for some subjects. This is true for -ar verbs, -er verbs, and -ir verbs. ❏ If I read or hear a conjugated verb in the imperfect tense, I can figure out who the subject is (i.e., who is doing the verbal action). ❏ I know which forms in regular imperfect conjugation have accent marks and where. ❏ I can recognize and understand the irregular imperfect verbs ser , ir , and ver when I encounter them while reading and listening, and I can sometimes use them correctly in my own speech and writing. Lengua 5.6: Preterite versus imperfect ❏ I can quickly recognize whether a verb is conjugated in the preterite or imperfect tense. ❏ I can describe basic guidelines for knowing when to use the preterite versus when to use the imperfect. ❏ I can usually understand how a simple sentence’s meaning would change if the verb were changed from preterite to imperfect or vice versa.
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