Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
Module B: Important moments • 407 6. We can guess from this interview that they still get along well. Cierto Falso 7. At the time of the interview, Raúl’s parents had both died. Cierto Falso 8. Raúl and his wife went to church with Raúl’s parents. Cierto Falso 9. What is Raúl’s approach to planning for the future? Explain as fully as possible. ______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Is Raúl generally more pessimistic or optimistic? Explain. ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bonus: The first thing Raúl says is hijo . Is he speaking to his son? How do you know? Here are a few more common expressions. Find them in the reading and guess what they mean: Como si fuera ____________________________________ Nos chiveamos ____________________________________ Pues fíjate ____________________________________ Ah pues órale ____________________________________ 35. Las experiencias Vamos a empezar a conversar sobre las experiencias que hemos tenido. Below are several questions asking if you have ever had a certain experience. First, use present perfect to answer whether you have or have not had the experience. Then if you have, use the preterite to tell a little about what happened. If you have not, write a couple of sentences to expand on your answer or write about an experience that someone else had. Use the models as you write your own responses. Vocabulario útil: a los quince años = at fifteen years of age hace dos años = two years ago
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