Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
332 • Chapter 4: La vida que vivimos Now that you have written down some ideas, try setting a timer for three minutes and speaking on each of the following topics in that allotted time: • Introduce yourself. • Discuss what you did today (this morning and before class). • Explain your typical routine during the week and on weekends. • Talk about some basic needs and wants in your life. • Discuss how your routine reflects (or does not reflect) what is important to you. Module D: Breaking patterns Module overview In this module, you will continue discussing regular activities and habits with your classmates but will also talk about what changes you may want to make to your current routines. You will reflect on needs and wants and identify how your routine may be dependent upon outside factors. You will also explore ways to maintain healthy habits as you balance your many roles and responsibilities. Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can participate fully in a detailed conversation about daily life. ❏ I can engage in a conversation distinguishing needs from wants. ❏ I can express agreement and disagreement regarding needs and wants in someone’s life. ❏ I can respond appropriately to questions about relaxation practices. Learning objectives: Language Lengua 4.7: Imperative—informal affirmative ❏ In reading and listening, I can easily understand affirmative informal commands using common verbs I am familiar with. ❏ I can correctly use a few common affirmative informal commands in my speech. ❏ When listening or reading, I can recognize and understand several irregular affirmative commands such as ven , di , sal , haz , ten , ve , pon , and sé . Lengua 4.8: Imperative—informal negative ❏ I can recognize and understand negative commands when I see or hear them, as long as I am familiar with the verb.
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