Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

294 •  Chapter 4: La vida que vivimos 3. ¿Tienes algunas prácticas, costumbres o procesos en tu vida que son catárticos? ¿O prácti- cas para la salud mental? ¿Cuáles son? ¿Con qué frecuencia haces esas actividades? ________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Module B: Our daily routines Module overview In this module, you will continue learning more about daily routines and identify important vocabulary for describing your average day in more detail. You will work on describing how habitual activities can change based on context. You will build interpretive skills by reading about and listening to others’ routines, and you will work with classmates to compare and contrast those routines alongside your own. Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can talk about what my routine is in multiple contexts. ❏ I can engage in conversation about routine, giving thorough responses and asking relevant questions. ❏ I can make comparisons between routines. Learning objectives: Language Lengua 4.3: Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns ❏ I understand the difference between a demonstrative adjective and a demonstrative pronoun. ❏ I can usually use demonstrative adjectives correctly in my writing and sometimes also in my speech. ❏ I can easily understand demonstrative adjectives when reading or listening. ❏ When I encounter a demonstrative pronoun while reading, I can usually figure out what it refers to. Lengua 4.4: Present progressive ❏ Although it may take me some time, I can form the present participle of any regular verb as well as several irregular verbs.