Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
Module A: Habits and customs • 273 Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can talk about activities that are common in my life. ❏ I can ask questions effectively to learn about a classmate’s daily routine. ❏ I can understand the main idea and several details when reading about or listening to someone’s routine. ❏ I can discuss some factors that affect routine. ❏ I can draw comparisons between my routine and that of others. Learning objectives: Language Lengua 4.1: Reflexive verbs ❏ While reading or listening, I can recognize and understand common reflexive verbs, such irse , levantarse , sentarse , and llamarse . ❏ I can use some familiar reflexive verbs in the first person singular ( yo ) form to talk about my daily routine. ❏ I understand how to determine which reflexive pronoun to use when conjugating reflexive verbs. ❏ In writing, I can usually accurately place reflexive pronouns in relation to the verb. Lengua 4.2: Stem-changing verbs 2 ❏ I can recognize and understand many common stem-changing verbs, such as morir , entender , comenzar , jugar , and mostrar . ❏ I can conjugate these verbs in the present tense yo form easily, though it might take longer with other subjects. ❏ With access to my notes or a reference page, I can conjugate these verbs in the preterite, being mindful that only -ir stem-changing verbs will have stem changes in the preterite. ❏ I can occasionally use some of these verbs in the preterite without access to notes. 1. Las actividades principales ¿Cuáles son las actividades principales de tu vida? Piensa en cómo pasas la mayoría de tu tiempo. Escribe una lista de las diez actividades más comunes. Ejemplo: Las diez actividades principales de Andrea: 1. Dormir 2. Trabajar 3. Ayudar a mis hijos 4. Comer 5. Leer artículos y opiniones en internet 6. Jugar en mi teléfono 7. Preparar comida 8. Ayudar a mis papás 9. Cuidar a mis mascotas 10. Manejar
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