Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
260 • Chapter 3: La cultura y los viajes Reflection and review Reflection overview With this review, you will wrap up chapter 3. You will explore a few more elements of culture, including language and celebrations. You will demonstrate your ability to express your thoughts in writing, work with peers and your instructor to edit your writing, and continue building writing skills. You will also reflect on your language-learning experience so far and determine how you want to approach the next chapter. Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can express some basic opinions and beliefs about culture. ❏ I can understand the main idea and many details when listening to someone talk about elements of their family’s cultural practices. ❏ I can write multiple paragraphs with detailed information relating to culture and travel. 72. Nuestra cultura Lee las oraciones e indica si son ciertas o falsas para ti. Luego, escoge tres frases y explica tu respuesta. Access audio for this exercise here: 1. Cuando estoy con amigos, siento que compartimos la misma cultura. Cierto Falso 2. Cuando estoy con familia, siento que compartimos la misma cultura. Cierto Falso 3. Mi cultura es una parte importante de mi identidad. Cierto Falso 4. Mi cultura es mejor que otra cultura que conozco . . . Cierto Falso 5. Mi cultura es peor que otra cultura que conozco . . . Cierto Falso
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