Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

Module B: Sharing cultures  • 201 ❏ I can share information about a place I am familiar with. ❏ I can understand information that a partner shares about a place I do not know. ❏ I can make some basic recommendations related to travel. ❏ I can understand the main idea and several details in an authentic text about a culture that is unfamiliar to me. Learning objectives: Language Lengua 3.3: Direct object pronouns ❏ I understand what direct object pronouns are. ❏ I understand why direct object pronouns do not necessarily correspond with the conjugation of the verb. ❏ When given a context in writing, I can select an appropriate direct object pronoun, taking into account gender and number. ❏ I can usually correctly place a direct object pronoun in a sentence. ❏ I can sometimes use direct object pronouns in my own writing in order to avoid unnecessary repetition, though it may take me some extra time to structure the sentence. ❏ When reading, I can often notice direct object pronouns and identify who or what they are referring to. Lengua 3.4:Verbs with irregular yo forms ❏ When reading and listening, I can recognize several common verbs with irregular yo forms, such as hacer , conocer , poner , and salir . ❏ I can consistently correctly conjugate these verbs in the present tense, though it may take me longer with some subjects. ❏ I can often conjugate these verbs correctly in the yo form when speaking or writing. 19. Una entrevista Completa la siguiente entrevista con tus respuestas. ¿Cómo respondes si un entrev- istador 33 te hace estas preguntas? Escribe tus respuestas y luego comparte con un compañero. Entrevistador: Hola. Tú: Hola, me llamo ________________________y soy estudiante en PSU. Vivo en ____________________________. Entrevistador: ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito en Oregón? Tú: Mi lugar favorito en Oregón es ____________________ porque ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . 33 interviewer