Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
Module A:What is my culture? • 181 Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can respond to questions about what culture is and express agreement and disagreement. ❏ I can engage in a basic conversation about the culture of a city I am familiar with. ❏ I can use context to understand the main idea and several details of a conversation about culture. ❏ I can understand the main idea and several details from an authentic reading about cultural features of a city I am familiar with. Learning objectives: Language Lengua 3.1:Verbs like gustar ❏ I can express several of my likes, dislikes, and interests in Spanish. ❏ I can express that something matters to me and that something bothers me. ❏ I know how to determine whether to use gusta or gustan . ❏ I can usually understand when I read or hear someone’s likes, dislikes, and interests. ❏ I understand how indirect object pronouns ( me , te , le , nos , les ) function in these expressions, and I can often use them correctly in my own writing. Lengua 3.2: Saber and conocer ❏ I can conjugate the verbs saber and conocer in the present tense, though it might take me longer for some subjects. ❏ I can usually correctly determine whether the verb saber or the verb conocer is the best way to express knowledge in a given context. ❏ I can usually understand what a speaker or writer means to express when they use these verbs. 1. Explorando el tema / Exploring the topic La lista a continuación contiene varios elementos de la vida. ¿Pero forman parte de la cultura? Indica cuáles 2 son cuestiones de cultura, en tu opinión. Access audio for this exercise here: ¿Cuáles de estos son elementos de la cultura? 2 which ones 3 role La comida Las celebraciones El papel 3 del género La expresión de la sexualidad
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