Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

176 •  Chapter 2: Las personas y las perspectivas Escucha el audio de Belen aquí: https://​drive​.google​.com/​file/​d/​1IbpIGd​_5YkX9c26ecXrOSBvmCcftPvbq/​view​?usp​=​sharing. Escucha el audio de Chris aquí: https://​drive​.google​.com/​file/​d/​17Rkae7iL5QJ3EWd​_nTyjW4z94aHOy​-jK/​view​?usp​=​sharing. Escucha el audio de Jorge aquí: https://​drive​.google​.com/​file/​d/​1GINea53nC8​_EStMtgD1Ip1kKg4ohJaZM/​view​?usp​=​sharing. Jorge Chris Belen This person has grandkids. This person has nieces. This person’s sister lives in Florida. This person has kids. This person mentions a younger sibling. This person mentions an older sibling. This person talks to their sibling by phone. This person’s siblings speak English and Spanish. This person mentions caring for each other. 77. ¿Cómo te fue? / How did it go? 1. How many hours per week did you spend on Spanish? __________________________________________ 2. How often did you seek out opportunities to use Spanish outside of class? Why? Do you think it would be possible for you to increase your Spanish use outside of class? How? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What individual learning strategies did you use (beyond simply completing the assigned exercises)? For example, did you make flashcards or study guides? Watch online tutorials? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________