Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

Module C: The communities we create  • 145 52. Interpersonal communication skills practice In the second chapter, working with more verbs and adjectives, your language skills have undergone a kind of explosion. You can talk about so many topics now! During a conversation, however, it is still going to be very challenging to sustain any level of gram- matical accuracy. This exercise can give you a chance to prepare in advance for the types of questions and responses you are likely to encounter in upcoming conversations. First , write what your response would be if someone asked you the questions right now (even if it is “No entiendo”). Your natural responses at this level are likely to be just a few words. Make communication your goal, not accuracy. Next , use resources such as past homework pages, notes, and even online dictionaries like https://​www​ .wordreference​.com/ in order to address any questions you weren’t able to answer. Finally , select ten of your answers and figure out how to form complete, accurate sentences giving your response. You will be able to find many model sentences in previous exercises. Access audio for this exercise here: https://​drive​.google​.com/​file/​d/​1YKpgh3EHtkNOBi550JZGIUuN0KbKKMX5/​view​?usp​=​sharing. 1. ¿Quiénes son las personas más importantes en tu vida? _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ¿Cómo se llama tu hermano / mamá / mejor amigo / vecino? (Choose one and stick with that one for questions 3–9.) ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ¿Cómo es? (What are they like?) ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ¿Qué le gusta? ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ¿Dónde vive? _________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ¿Es estudiante? ¿Qué estudia? O, ¿dónde trabaja? O, ¿qué hace? 83 ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ¿Ustedes son muy similares? Explica. ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. ¿Qué hacen juntos? 84 ________________________________________________________________________________ 83 what do they do 84 together