Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

116 •  Chapter 2: Las personas y las perspectivas 2. Cuando estás preocupado o nervioso, ¿quieres hablar con alguien de tu familia, o con un amigo? ¿O prefieres estar solo? _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ¿Tienes una familia muy unida? Explica. ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ¿Vives cerca de tu familia? En el futuro, ¿quieres vivir más cerca o más lejos de tu familia? ¿Por qué? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25. Las diferencias culturales: La investigación What do you already know or believe about family in Spanish-speaking countries? How do you think the concept of family is similar to or different from family in the US? Do a short internet search about families in Latin America, Spain, and/or Spanish-speaking populations in the US and write a few pieces of information you can share with your classmates. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26. Antes de leer In this reading, we’ll discuss a few traditions that some families practice: saint’s days, quinceañeras, and Day of the Dead. Do you already know something about or have some experience with these traditions? In English, chat for a few minutes with your classmates and share what you already know. 27. A leer 53 Lee los párrafos aquí. Subraya todos los verbos para identificarlos. Después, escucha los párrafos y contesta las preguntas de comprensión. Access audio for this exercise here: https://​drive​.google​.com/​file/​d/​1vVRRpwzrbLAiXMWp0GPnKqQUubqZj7vu/​view​?usp​=​sharing. 53 “Cultura: Fiestas en la familia y cultura hispana” provided by SUNY Oneonta and Lumen Learning. October 10, 2019. License: CC BY: Attribution. https://​webcache​.googleusercontent​.com/​search​?q​=​cache:​VKpNBe​_HTSYJ:​https://​courses​ .lumenlearning​.com/​wmopen​-spanish1/​chapter/​cultura​-fiestas​-en​-la​-familia​-y​-cultura​-hispana/​+​&​cd​=​1​&​hl​=​en​&​ct​=​clnk​&​ gl​=​us​&​client​=​firefox​-b​-1​-d.