Relativity Lite

Figure 10. Top view of a plot of the red-shift velocities of 4,000 galaxies against their right ascension (RA; equivalent to longitude on the Earth’s surface) for a thin slice of the other, declination, angle (equivalent to latitude) from −40 to −38 degrees, shown in green. An adjacent slice of another of 4,000 galaxies from −43 to −41 degrees is shown in red, and a third slice of another of 4,000 galaxies from −46 to −44 degrees is shown in blue. Not only do we see structures and voids across the face of the fan of galaxies (from RA 10 to 16 hours and from 10,000 to 80,000 km/s), but the structures and voids are shared to a significant degree among the three slices or the voids would have disappeared in this overlay. The galaxies, thus, appear to lie on surfaces akin to abutting soap bubbles.