79 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic C: Cultural insights: Tips on dealing with culturally sensitive situations "F LUFFY K ITTEN L OOKING U P " BY K AROLYN A NN Communicating between people of different cultures, speaking in their second or third language is exciting but presents frequent chances for misunderstanding. It is important to keep an open mind, especially if you encounter a sensitive or uncomfortable situation in an Arab country. For example, if you are busy and you are invited to lunch or an ou ting, but your friend cannot accept your “No,” what would you do so as not to offend your friend and still not attend the outing? You can explain the reason and offer to make it up another time. Some of the expressions used in these situations are listed in dialogue 2 and the mini-dialogues in this chapter. Consider also questions that are culturally accepted in the Arab world in the first encounter but not in the US (for example, age, religion, marital status, etc). If you do not feel comfortable answering them, you can politely refuse by saying that in your culture, it is considered personal. Explaining why you cannot answer could also be a learning opportunity for the other person. Speaking a second language is an ongoing learning process that includes learning the target culture and will always provide perspectives on new ideas and ways of life.
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