72 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic To negate the future, just formulate the future verb in ECA by adding ح before the present tense. The second step is using مش before the verb. For example: ِ م هنا. ِ حنلْعَب ِ ش We will not play here. ده! ِ المطعم ِ في ِ حَآكُل ِ مش I will not eat in this restaurant! Note: In the future tense, the present-tense “ ب ” is deleted. Mini-Dialogues: Examples of using negations and invitations بالعامية ِ والتعبير ِ الكلمة بالإنجليزية ِ المعنى ِ الكلمة ِ ِ والتعبير ِ المساوي الفصحى ِ في ِ والله ِ LM: “ by God ” IM: (emphasis) same نروح we go نَذْهَب سَاقْعة ِ حاجة ِ LM: “ something cold ” IM: “ a cold drink ” (incl. soda pop) ِ شَراب أو ِ ساقع بارد ِ شراب ِ أجري ِ I run same معايا ِ تيجي ِ LM: “ come with me” IM: “ join me” معي ِ تأتي فاضي ِ مَش ِ not free ( for a person) not empty ( for an object) N/A َِ سب but ِِِ (also used in CA) لكن
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