48 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic B : Dialogues 1. At the sports club ات كلم وتعبيرات مهمة : الكلمة والتعبير المساو ي بالفصحى بالإنجليزية ِ المعنى بالعامية ِ والتعبير ِ الكلمة same the club Unlike English, where the club can be a night destination for dancing and partying, النادي in several Arab countries refers to a sporting club. For nightclub, “disco” or “night club” is used. النادي أنتَ؟ ِ أين ِ The expression زمان ِ من means from a very long time. Listen to this song. LM: “Where are you from a long time?” IM: “Where have yo u been?” زمان؟ ِ من ِ فين َِ أنت N/A LM: “Whoever sees you will live.” A compliment signifying happiness to see the person, usually said when two people have not seen each other in a long time. شافك ِ من ِ عاش (إنت) ِ same LM: “by God” IM: emphasis ِ والله same busy مَشغول same work شُغْل ِ
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