47 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic Let ’ s read and listen to more examples of present tense conjugations in MSA and CA: المعنى ِ Meaning ِ ِ في ِ المضارع ِ الفعل العامية Present Tense (CA) الفصحى ِ في ِ المضارع ِ الفعل ِ Present Tense (MSA) المنفصلة ِ الضمائر ِ Independent Pronouns I understand ِ بَافْهَم /ِ بَفْهَم ِْ أَف ُِ هَم ِ أنا ِ read (m.s.2) بَتَقرا ُِ تَقْرَأ ِ َِ إنت ِ (أنتَ MSA ) ِ write (f.s.2) بتكْتبي تَكْتُبين ِ ِ إنت ِ (أنتِ MSA ) ِ he eats بيَاكُل ُِ يَأْكُل ِ هو ِ she plays بتلْعَب ُِ تَلعَب ِ هي ِ we drink بنشْرَب ُِ نَشْرَب ِ إحنا ِ (نحن MSA ) you (all) cook بتُطْبُخُوا َِ تَطْبُخون ِ ونتإ ِ (أنتم MSA ) ِ " I SLAMIC A RCHITECTURE : I NDOOR S ITTING S PACE " BY K INFOF C OLESLAW
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