30 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic B: Requests 1. Taxi ا (ِ رَقم ِ لحوَار 1) كَلمَا ِ ت مهمة: ِ وتَعْبيرَات ِ والتعبير ِ الكلمة بالعامية ِ The word and expression in CA بالإنجليزية ِ المعنى ِ The meaning in English ِ الكلمة المساو ِ والتعبير ي ِ بالفصحى ِ The equivalent in MSA سوّاق ِ driver ِ َِ س ِ قائ Usually in CA, the ء is either deleted or changing in form. In this case, it is deleted and is replaced by a و and a ّّ (shadda) التاكسي ِ taxi In MSA, sometimes سيارة أجرة is used. LM: “ a car with a fare. ” هآ ِ This word can mean “yes” in response to questions in Egyptian Arabic (as in the coming dialogue). It can also be a sound made when one is in pain. نَعَم Also used in CA ِْ عَنْدَك َِ ) (إنت ِ ِْ عَنْدك ِ ) (إنت ِ I M: “ you have ” LM: “at you” because عند means “ at ” & ك is an attached pronoun Same word with different internal voweling. َِ عنْدُك َِ أنت
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