22 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic 2. Informal greetings conversation: at a friends’ gathering محادثة غير رسمية بالعامية كَلِمَات وتَعْبِيرَات مهمة: بالعامية ِ والتعبير ِ الكلمة ِ The word and expression in CA بالإنجليزية ِ المعنى ِ The meaning in English ِ الكلمة المساو ِ والتعبير ي ِ بالفصحى ِ The equivalent in MSA نجح ِ passed/succeeded Same word with different internal voweling : َِ نَجَح إمْتحَانَاتُه ِ his exams: ه ِ+ ات ِ+ إمتحان ِ same ِ من ِ أحْسَن الأوّل ِ LM (literal meaning): “better than the first ” IM (Intended meaning): the situation is better than before . ِ Almost the same in MSA except for changing one word: قَبْل ِ من ِ أحْسن You can use this above- mentioned expression in CA as well . ِ كسؤال ِ ِ ) (إنت ِ سُؤالَك َِ ) (إنت your question female recipient your question a male recipient Same word with different internal voweling (on the attached pronoun): ِ سُؤالُك سُؤالُك حَبيبْتي ِ my dear one a female recipient Note, if this word is used between two people in love, it will mean “my loved one.” Same word with different internal voweling َِ بيبَتيح
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