
20 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic B: Greetings and ending conversations 1. Formal greetings conversation: at work محَادَثَة رَسْمِيّة بالعَامِيّة كَلِمَات وتَعْبِيرَات مهمة: ِ والتعبير ِ الكلمة بالعامية ِ The word and expression in CA ِ المعنى بالإنجليزية ِ The meaning in English ِ الكلمة المساو ِ والتعبير ي ِ بالفصحى ِ The equivalent in MSA النّهارد ه today ا ليَوْم ِْ بَس but also in CA لَكن ِ شُغْل work also in CA عَمَل ِ كتير a lot ًِ كثيرا Notice that in some dialects (e.g., ECA, LCA), ث sometimes changes into ت . Other dialects (e.g., Gulf) keep it the same as in MSA. كمان as well/ too also in CA ًِ أَيْضَا ِ بعدين after this/ then ذَلك ِ بَعْد ِ/ِّ ثُم الله ِ شَاء ِْ إن God willing The same expression is used in MSA.