18 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic ِ؟ كيفَك ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ كيفك؟ How are you? male recipient (LCA) female recipient ِ الحَمدُلِ -ِ ِ نحْم الله ِْ - د ِ الله ِْ نُشْكر -ِ ِْ تَمَام ِ ِْ منيح منيحَة Thank God We Thank God We thank God perfect; fine Good When the speaker is male (LCA) When the speaker is female. In MSA, the attached possessive pronouns have the case endings: َِ كتابُك (your book for أنتَ ) ِ كتابُك (your book for أنتِ ) In CA, the MSA final voweling shifts to the letter before the attached pronoun; َِ كتابُك becomes ِْ كتابَك . Similarly, ِْ كيفَك and ِْ كيفك . إزَيّك؟ ّ ك؟ إزي How are you? male recipient ( ECA) female recipient Same responses as above but also you can say: ِ ّ س كُوَي ّ سة كوي ِ good (for a male speaker) good (for a female speaker) The responses listed in this row and the one above can be combined. For example, you can say: “ ِ الحَمدُلِ ِْ تَمَام ” ; no order required or preferred.
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