
APPENDIX 5A Protocol for Educational Interactions With Subject’s Parents 1. Why did your “people” come out to California, or how did you get to California? [Probe: Black migratory patterns in LA] 2. What did your mother and father tell you about education? What are some of the core values you learned from your parents about education or the value of education? [Probe: Level of your parent’s education] 3. Is education the only way to achieve success in America? [Probe: Value of college degree versus other degrees or types of certification] 4. What are other acceptable ways of achieving success in America? [Probe: Value of college degree versus other degrees or types of certification] 5. How did your parents feel about academic African Americans in general; did their feelings differ for boys and girls? [Probe: Childhood exposure and interactions with African Americans or anyone with college degrees] 6. What did your parents teach you about the difference between common or wit sense and book-learned knowledge? 7. What college experiences did they deem the most important? 8. Did they ever talk about how much education is enough? What are some concrete examples they gave you to support their points? [Probe: Fears and attitudes about education as well as conceptualizations of the “educated”] 9. Do you think that these values were flawed in any way, and if so how have you amended them for your children? 10. Regarding your parents, which of their attitudes and values about education were learned from their neighborhood, friends, family, church, media or popular press, or through spouses and significant others?