Beginning Japanese for Professionals: Book 1
83 7. Shall I write down everyone’s names? 8. Whom shall I help? 9. Shall I use this new app? 10. When shall I email the file? E. Act these roles in Japanese with a partner. 1. A co-worker is swamped by work. a) Offer to help. b) Wish him luck. 2. At a restaurant, ask Ms. Honda what she is going to drink. 3. You’ve been asked to email a file. Ask which file to email. 4. At a restaurant, you ordered a while ago. Mention to your companions that it’s taking a long time. Get the attention of a waiter and ask if it’s ready yet. 5. Ask each other what you do on your day off. Reply. (e.g., read books; watch TV; play sports like tennis, soccer; write blog entries; make cookies; practice Yoga) Dialogue 2 The team has been working hard all morning. Tanaka: Minasan, sukoshi yasumimashou . Everyone, Let’s just take a break. やす みなさん、すこし休みましょう。 Michael: Ja, ocha, iremashou ka . Then, shall we make tea? ちゃ い じゃ、お茶、入れましょうか。 Honda: Watashi ga iremasu yo. I’ll do it. わたし い 私 が入れますよ。 Michael: Ja, tetsudaimasu. Well then, I’ll help. て つ だ じゃ、手伝います。 Beverages have been brought in. Michael: Tanaka-san wa nani ga ii desu ka? What would you like, Ms. Tanaka? た な か なに 田中さんは、何がいいですか。 Tanaka: Watashi wa koohii o onegai-shimasu. I’ll have Coffee, please. … .. わたし ねが 私 はコーヒーをお願いします。 Aa, oishii desu nee! Ahh, it’s good, isn’t it! ああ、おいしいですねえ!
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