Beginning Japanese for Professionals: Book 1
82 しますか。 Response: Mochiron desu. Itsu shimashou ka . Of course. When shall I do it? もちろんです。いつしましょうか。 B. Cue: Apuri, tsukaimasu ka? Do you use apps? つか アプリ、使いますか。 Response: Hai, kono apuri o tsukaimasu . Yes, I use this app. つか はい、このアプリを使います。 Cue: Terebi, kaimasu ka? Will you buy a TV? か テレビ、買いますか。 Response: Hai, kono terebi o kaimasu. Yes, I’ll buy this TV. か はい、このテレビを買います。 C. Cue: Are, takai desu ka? Is that expensive? たか あれ、高いですか Response: Hai, takai desu kara, kaimasen . Right. It’s expensive, so I won’t buy it. たか か はい、高いですから、買いません . Cue: Are, tsukaimasen ka? You don’t use that? つか あれ、使いませんか。 Response: Hai, tukaimasen kara, kaimasen. Right. I don't use it, so I won’t buy it. つか か はい、使いませんから、買いません。 D. Say it in Japanese. You’ve been asked if you are busy today. 1. Yes, because I’m going to do my homework. 2. Of course. Because I’ll practice Japanese. 3. Why? It’s Sunday today, so I have no work. 4. Yes, because I’m going to copy my old computer files. 5. Yes, because I’m going to make slides for a PowerPoint presentation. You’ve been asked to help set up a meeting for your group. Ask your supervisor the following questions: 6. Which room should we use?
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