Beginning Japanese for Professionals: Book 1

14 Lesson 1 - New to the Office Dialogue 1 Along with the accompanying audio, practice each line aloud and keep adding one line at a time until you memorize the entire dialogue. Mr. Smith and Ms. Honda, new employees, are talking about a project report. Smith : Wakarimasu ka . Do you understand it? わかりますか。 Honda : Iie, amari wakarimasen nee. No, I don’t understand very well. いいえ、あまりわかりませんねえ。 Smith : Wakarimasen ka. You don’t? わかりませんか。 Honda : Ee. Right. ええ。 Vocabulary Additional related words, which do not appear in the dialogue, are marked with +. They are included in the drills and exercises. wakarimasu わかります understand ka か question particle amari あまり (not) very much wakarimasen わかりません don’t understand nee ねえ particle indicating empathy ee ええ yes, that’s right + zenzen ぜんぜん 全然 not at all (with negative verb) + yoku よく well, a lot, often + tokidoki ときどき 時々 sometimes + shimasu します do, play + tabemasu たべます 食べます eat + nomimasu のみます 飲みます drink + tsukurimasu つくります 作ります make + norimasu のります 乗ります ride, get on Grammar Notes 1-1-1 Verbs, Non-Past, Formal, Affirmative and Negative Verbs occur at the end of a sentence in Japanese. A lone verb can comprise a complete sentence. Unlike English, where a subject is required, the subject and object are usually not mentioned in Japanese if they are understood from the context. So, in the dialogue above, Mr.