Beginning Japanese for Professionals: Book 1

8 33. ~desu ka X ですか is it/am I/are you/are they X? etc. 34. yoroshiku よろしく ritual expression when meeting someone, when needing a favor ねが 35. yoroshiku onegai-shimasu よろしくお願いします please treat me favorably, thank you in advance Hajimemashite literally means ‘for the first time.’ It is a ritual expression used in first meeting people. You can respond with your own hajimemashite or douzo yoroshiku onegai-shimasu. Make sure you bow. After a person tells you their name, confirm it by asking X- san desu ka. Repetition may seem unnecessary, but it’s customary to do so during introductions. J. Taking Leave しつれい A: Ja, shitsurei-shimasu . じゃ、失礼します 。 Well then, I’ll go (excuse me). つか B: Aa, otsukare-sama deshita. ああ 、 お疲れさまでした . Ah, thanks for the good work. 36. otuskare(-sama) おつかれ(さま ) thanks for your work, you must be tired 37. otsukare-sama desu おつかれさまです (formal) (on going) 38. otuskare-sama deshita おつかれさまでした ( the work is over) The above are common greetings between co-workers. They are also used to thank service personnel or acknowledge anyone’s hard work. K. Parting A: Ja, mata . じゃ、また 。 Well, see you. B: Sayonara さよなら 。 Good-bye. 39. ja, mata じゃ、また see you later (informal) 40. sayonara/sayounara さよなら/さようなら Good-bye. L. Retiring at Night A: Ja, oyasumi じゃ、おやすみ 。 B: Aa, oyasuminasai ああ 、 おやすみなさい。 41. oyasumi おやすみ 42. oyasumi nasai おやすみなさい