Beginning Japanese for Professionals: Book 1

96 followed by the particle wa or mo . When wa follows a quantity expression, it means ‘at least’ and when mo follows it, it implies that the number is big (that much!) Mainichi, shukudai ga hito-tsu wa arimasu. I have at least one HW assignment everyday. Obentou o futatsu mo tabemashita. I ate all two bentos. How are multiple items and numbers listed up in Japanese? Suppose we want to say ‘Three apples and four oranges, please.’ Combine the following two sentences into one. Ringo o mit-tsu kudasai . Three apples, please. Mikan o yot-tsu kudasai . Four oranges, please. → [Ringo o mit-tsu] to [mikan o yot-tsu] kudasai . Three apples and four oranges, please. There is no limit on how many things can be listed, but it is rare to list more than three items. Onigiri ga mit-tsu to sando ga itsu-tsu, sorekara mizu ga ni-hon arimasu . There are three onigiri , five sandwiches, and two bottles of water. Drills and Exercises A. Listen to the audio. Following the first two model exchanges, respond to each cue. Cue: Go-hon desu ne. Five, right? Response: Ie, rop-pon desu. No, six. ご ほ ん ろっほん 五本ですね。 いえ、六本です。 Cue: Mit-tsu desu ne. Three, right? Response: Ie, yot-tsu desu. No, four. みっ よっ 三つですね。 いえ、四つです。 B. Cue: Sashimi to biiru desu ka. Sashimi and beer? さしみとビールですか。 Response: Hai, sashimi o futa-tsu to Yes, two sashimi and biiru o sdan-bon kudasai. three beers, please. ふた さんぼん はい、さしみを二つとビールを三本、ください。 Cue: Ringo to mikan desu ka. Apples and oranges? リンゴとみかんですか。 Response: Hai, ringo o futa-tsu to Yes, two apples and Mikan o mit-tsu kudasai. three oranges, please. ふた みっ はい、リンゴを二つと、みかんを三つください。 C. Say it in Japanese.