
Part One: Description, Narration, and Reflection 95 narratives use a multimedia or multigenre approach, synthesizing multiple different forms, like audio and video, or nonfiction, poetry, and photography. In addition to the limitations and opportunities presented by your rhetorical situation, choosing a medium also depends on the opportunities and limitations of different forms. To determine which tool or tools you want to use for your story, you should consider which medium (or combination of media) will help you best accomplish your purpose. Here’s a non- comprehensive list of storytelling tools you might incorporate in place of or in addition to traditional prose: • Images • Poetry • Video • Audio recording • “Found” texts (fragments of other authors’ works reframed to tell a different story) • Illustrations • Comics, manga, or other graphic storytelling • Journal entries or series of letters • Plays, screenplays, or other works of drama • Blogs and social media postings Although each of these media is a vehicle for delivering information, it is important to acknowledge that each different medium will have a different impact on the audience; in other words, the medium can change the message itself. There are a number of digital tools available that you might consider for your storytelling medium, as well . 34 Video: Storytelling with Robyn Vazquez 35 Video of Storytelling with Robyn Vazquez is available via PSU Media Space.