
Part One: Description, Narration, and Reflection 82 Chapter Two: Telling a Story “We’re all stories, in the end.” – Steven Moffat, Doctor Who 27 Whether or not you’ve seen a single episode of Doctor Who, you can appreciate this quote. I love it for its ambiguities . 28 As I can tell, we can interpret it in at least four ways: All we are is stories, in the end. Our identities, our ambitions, our histories are all a composite of the many stories we tell about ourselves. All of us are stories, in the end. Our stories are never just our own: you share common stories with your parents, your friends, your teachers and bosses, strangers on the street. Each of us is a story, in the end. Your entire life, while composed of many interlocking stories, is one story among many. We are stories (in all of the above ways), but only at the end. Our individual stories have no definite conclusion until we can no longer tell them ourselves. What legacy will you leave? How can you tell a piece of your story while it’s still up to you?