
Full Citations and Permissions 493 well received. Rhetorical situation will also influence mode and medium. Rogerian argument a mode of argument by which an author seeks compromise by bringing different perspectives on an issue into conversation. Acknowledges that no one perspective is absolutely and exclusively ‘right’; values disagreement in order to make moral, political, and practical decisions. round character a character who is thoroughly characterized and dimensional, detailed with attentive description of their traits and behaviors. Contrast with flat character. signpost a phrase or sentence that directs your reader. It can help you make connections, guide your reader’s interpretation, ease transitions, and re-orient you to your thesis. Also known as a “signal phrase.” SQ3R an engaged reading strategy to improve comprehension and interrupt projection. S urvey, Q uestion, R ead, R ecite, R eview. stakes the potential value or consequence of an exploration or argument; what stands to be gained from investigation of a subject or advocacy for a position. Consider also “stakeholders,” the people or institutions that stand to gain from the outcome of an investigation or argument. static character a character who remains the same throughout the narrative. Contrast with dynamic character. subject the topic, focus, argument, or idea explored in a text summary a rhetorical mode in which an author reiterates the main ideas, arguments, and details of a text in their own words, condensing a longer text into a smaller version. Contrast with paraphrase. syllogism a line of logical reasoning similar to the transitive property (If a=b and b=c, then a=c). For example, All humans need oxygen; Kanye West is a human. Therefore, Kanye West needs oxygen. symbol an artifact (usually something concrete) that stands in for (represents) something else (often something abstract). synthesis a cognitive and rhetorical process by which an author brings together parts of a larger whole to create a unique new product. Examples of synthesis might include an analytical essay, found poetry, or a mashup/remix. text any artifact through which a message is communicated. Can be written or spoken; digital, printed, or undocumented; video, image, or language. Every text is rhetorical in nature. See rhetoric. text wrestling a rhetorical mode in which an author analyzes a text using close reading, then presents an interpretation supported by evidence from the text.