
Part Three: Research and Argumentation 409 https://www.mixcloud.com/thedanlebatardshowwithstugotz/hour-1-lavar-ball- 5517/. Rovell, Darren. “Nike, Under Armour, Adidas Not Interested in Deal with Lonzo Ball.” ESPN , 30 Apr 2017, www.espn.com/mens-college- basketball/story/_/id/19264024/nike-armour-adidas-not-interested-deal-lonzo- ball. Sole Man , directed by Jon Weinbach and Dan Marks. ESPN Films, 2015, http://www.espn.com/30for30/film?page=soleman. Strauss, Ethan Sherwood. “You Won’t Believe How Nike Lost Steph to Under Armour.” ESPN , 23 Mar 2016, www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/15047018/how-nike-lost- stephen-curry-armour. Thomaselli, Rich. “All the King’s Men.” Advertising Age , vol. 77, no. 29, 17 July 2006, pp. 1-25. EBSCOhost , http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=21668901&site =ehost-live. Torre, Pablo S. “Lebron: The Sequel.” ESPN , 15 Feb. 2017, www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/id/18686205/the-second-chapter-lebron- james-career. Vaccines: Controversies and Miracle s 121 Every year billions of people get vaccinated for protection from diseases and illnesses. Before vaccinations, the flu ran rampant; measles would kill thousands yearly; polio would paralyze upwards of 15,000 people a year, and many other diseases would devastate societies (Offit 3). Even with the wonderful advancement of vaccines, people still opt out of getting them, endangering themselves and everyone around them. I have observed that the two most common reasons why people choose not to vaccinate are either that they claim vaccines do not work or that vaccines can even cause autism. These responses are derived from a place of being horribly misinformed. We will explore why these claims have become popular, and what the truth really is. Vaccines are essential for the health of an individual, the people directly around them, and societies overall. The evidence against the most common excuses is very strong and in