Part Three: Research and Argumentation 344 Complete faith Uncertainty Cautious disbelief “Duh” Model Texts by Student Authors What Does It Mean to Be Educated ? 113 Broton, K. and Sara Goldrick-Rab. “The Dark Side of College (Un)Affordability: Food and Housing Insecurity in Higher Education.” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning , vol. 48, no. 1, 2016, pp. 16-25. Taylor & Francis , doi: 10.1080/00091383.2016.1121081. This article shines a light on food and housing insecurity in higher education. It makes the argument that not having adequate meals or shelter increase the likelihood of receiving poorer grades and not finishing your degree program. There are a few examples of how some colleges and universities have set up food pantries and offer other types of payment plan or assistance programs. It also references a longitudinal study that follows a group of students from higher education through
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