Part Three: Research and Argumentation 333 Activities Research Scavenger Hunt To practice using a variety of research tools and finding a diversity of sources, try to discover resources according to the following constraints. Once you find a source, you should make sure you can access it later—save it to your computer; copy a live, stable URL; request it from the library; and/or save it to your Library eShelf, if you have one. For this assignment, you can copy a URL or doi for digital resources or library call number for physical ones. If you’re already working on a project, use your topic for this activity. If you don’t have a topic in mind, choose one by picking up a book, paper, or other written text near you: close your eyes and point to a random part of the page. Use the noun closest to your finger that you find vaguely interesting as a topic or search term for this exercise. Research Tool URL, doi, or Call Number A peer-reviewed journal article through a database A source you bootstrapped using subject tags A newspaper article A source through Google A source originally cited in a Wikipedia article A physical text in your school’s library (book, DVD, microfilm, etc.) A source through Google Scholar
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