Part Three: Research and Argumentation 289 Activities Idea Generation: Curiosity Catalogue 103 and Collaborative Inquiry This exercise encourages you to collaborate with other classmates to develop a topic, working questions, a path of inquiry, and a baseline of communal knowledge. You should complete Part One independently, then gather with a small group of two or three other students for Part Two, and a different small group of two or three other students for Part Three: Small Group. (If you are working on this exercise as a full class, complete Part One, Part Two, and Part Three: Gallery Walk.) Before you get started, divide three large sheets of paper (11x17 is best) into columns like this: Part One Create a catalogue of topics you are personally curious about—things that you want to learn more about. These don’t have to be revolutionary things right away; it’s more important that they’re meaningful to you. First, choose three of the following broad topic headings:
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