
Part Three: Research and Argumentation 270 problem. Keep Hieu—and the other 1.75 million children who are currently suffering in Vietnam—in mind the next time you buy something. Works Cited Brown, Marianne. “Vietnam’s Lost Children in Labyrinth of Slave Labour.” BBC News , 27 Aug 2013, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-23631923. Greenhouse, Steven. “Nike Shoe Plant in Vietnam Is Called Unsafe for Workers.” The New York Times , 7 Nov 1997, http://www.nytimes.com/1997/11/08/business/nike-shoe-plant-in-vietnam-is- called-unsafe-for-workers.html. Nguyen Th ị Lan Huong, et al. Viet Nam National Child Labour Survey 2012. International Labour Organization, 14 Mar 2014, http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/---ilo- hanoi/documents/publication/wcms_237833.pdf. “One in Ten Vietnamese Youngsters Aged 5-17 in Child Labour.” International Labour Organization , 14 Mar 2014, http://www.ilo.org/hanoi/Informationresources/Publicinformation/newsitems/WCM S_237788/lang--en/index.htm. Rau, Ashrita. “Child Labor in Vietnam.” The Borgen Project , 20 Mar 2017, https://borgenproject.org/child-labor-vietnam/. Teacher Takeaways “This essay provides compelling information from credible sources and offers a mix of strategies, including anecdotal examples and more objective statistical information. These approaches complement each other by putting a human face to the problem while also demonstrating its extent and severity. I’d like to see better engagement with the opposing positions, though. It seems likely that many people are not aware of this issue, or are not aware of resources that would help them become more ethical consumers. By failing to anticipate the needs of the audience, the author risks frustrating or alienating readers rather than persuading them.” – Professor Dunham