Part Two: Text Wrestling 188 • One version holds “creating” above “evaluating”; • And, most importantly, other versions are reshaped into a circle, as pictured above. 74 What do you think the significance of these changes is? I introduce this model of cognition to contextualize analysis as a cognitive tool which can work in tandem with other cognitive tasks and behaviors. Analysis is most commonly used alongside synthesis . To proceed with the LEGO® example from Chapter 4, consider my taking apart the castle as an act of analysis. I study each face of each block intently, even those parts that I can’t see when the castle is fully constructed. In the process of synthesis, I bring together certain blocks from the castle to instead build something else—let’s say, a racecar. By unpacking and interpreting each part , I’m able to build a new whole . 75 In a text wrestling essay, you’re engaging in a process very similar to my castle-to-racecar adventure. You’ll encounter a text and unpack it attentively, looking closely at each piece of language, its arrangement, its signification, and then use it to build an insightful, critical insight about the original text. I might not use every original block, but by exploring the relationship of part-to-whole, I better understand how the castle is a castle. In turn, I am better positioned to act as a sort of tour guide for the castle or a mechanic for the racecar, able to show my readers what about the castle or racecar is important and to explain how it works. In this chapter, you’ll learn about crafting a thesis for a text wrestling essay and using evidence to support that thesis. As you will discover, an analytical essay involves every tier of Bloom’s Taxonomy, arguably even including “judgement” because your thesis will present an interpretation that is evidence-based and arguable. Diagram: arrows indicating progression from a LEGO castle to a pile of LEGO bricks to a LEGO racecar. "Brick Head" b y DSC_0119 is licensed unde r CC BY-SA 2.0 :jovian:" b y bf8done is licensed unde r CC BY-NC 2.0 "lego pile" b y justgrimes i s licensed unde r CC BY-SA 2.0
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