
Part Two: Text Wrestling 185 well as their level of concentration and focus in the classroom. Works Cited Conklin, Richard. “You Snooze, You Peruse: Some Schools Turn to Nap Time to Recharge Students.” Education World, 2017, http://www. educationworld.com/a_news/you-snooze-you-peruse-some-schools-turn-nap- time-recharge-students-33819787. Bloom, Benjamin S., et al. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals . D. McKay Co., 1969. Also of note are recent emphases to use Bloom’s work as a conceptual model, not a hard-and- fast, infallible rule for cognition. Importantly, we rarely engage only one kind of thinking, and models like this should not be used to make momentous decisions; rather, they should contribute to a broader, nuanced understanding of human cognition and development. In consideration of revised versions Bloom’s Taxonomy and the previous note, it can be mentioned that this process necessarily involves judgment/evaluation; using the process of interpretation, my analysis and synthesis require my intellectual discretion. Mays 1258. Mays, Kelly J. “The Literature Essay.” The Norton Introduction to Literature , Portable 12th edition, Norton, 2017, pp. 1255-1278. “Developing a Thesis.” Purdue OWL , Purdue University, 2014, https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/616/02/. [Original link has expired. See Purdue OWL’s updated version: Developing a Thesis] Read more advice from the Purdue OWL relevant to close reading at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/4/17/ . One particularly useful additional resource is the text “Annoying Ways People Use Sources,” externally linked in the Additional Recommended Resources appendix of this book. Gallop 7. Essay by an anonymous student author, 2014. Reproduced with permission from the student author. This essay is a synthesis of two students’ work. One of those students is Ross Reaume, Portland State University, 2014, and the other student wishes to remain anonymous. Reproduced with permission from the student authors. Essay by Marina, who has requested her last name not be included. Portland Community College, 2018. Reproduced with permission from the student author.