
How to Use This Book xv Table of Contents – Readings (continued) Skills or Rhetorical Modes Showcased “Analyzing ’Richard Cory’” by Marina The use of the first-person plural narration to describe Cory gives the reader the impression that everyone in Cory’s presence longed to have the life that he did. Using “we,” the narrator speaks for many people at once. From the end of the third stanza to the end of the poem, the writing turns from admirable description of Richard to a noticeably more melancholy, dreary description of what those who admired Richard had to do because they did not have all that Richard did. Interpretation Analysis Pattern Synthesis Thesis Evidence (Quote, paraphrase, summarize) 213 Culminating Assignments “To Suffer or Surrender? An Analysis of Dylan Thomas’s ‘Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night’” by Mary Preble Thomas presents yet another oxymoron by saying “Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears” (Thomas 659). By referring to passionate tears as a blessing and a curse, which insinuates that the speaker does not necessarily believe death itself is inherently wrong, but to remain complicit in the face of death would be. These tears would be a curse because it is difficult to watch a loved one cry, but a blessing because the tears are a sign that the father is unwilling to surrender to death. This line is especially significant as it distinguishes the author’s beliefs about death versus dying, which are vastly different. Interpretation Analysis Pattern Synthesis Thesis Evidence (Quote, paraphrase, summarize) 222 “Christ Like” by an anonymous student author After they sit and talk for a while, they have dinner. This dinner resembles the last supper, especially when the narrator says, “We ate like there was no tomorrow” (7). He also describes how Robert eats and says “he’d tear of a hunk of buttered bread and eat that. He’d follow this up with a big drink of milk” (7). Those aren’t the only things he ate, but the order in which he ate the bread and took a drink is the same order as the sacrament, a ritual created at the last supper. Interpretation Analysis Reference, symbol Synthesis Thesis Evidence (Quote, paraphrase, summarize) 225