
Part One: Description, Narration, and Reflection 102 Using Images to Tell a Story Even though this textbook focuses on writing as a means to tell stories, you can also construct thoughtful and unique narratives using solely images, or using images to supplement your writing. A single photograph can tell a story, but a series will create a more cohesive narrative. To experiment with this medium, try the following activity. 1) Using your cell phone or a digital camera, take at least one photograph (of yourself, events, and/or your surroundings) each hour for one day. 2) Compile the photos and arrange them in chronological order. Choose any five photos that tell a story about part or all of your day. o How did you determine which photos to remove? What does this suggest about your narrative scope? o Where might you want to add photos or text? Why? To consider models of this kind of narrative, check ou t Al Jazeera’s “In Pictures” series. In 2014, a friend of mine recorded a one-second video every day for a year, creating a similar kind of narrative.