••••••••• T he Weightlifting C~u.b is ~ing new forms to its competttton dus year. · "The dub is expanding its focus in weightlifting from Olympic lifting to include strength training and powerlifting," said John Mayoral, fall Wei&htlifting Oub president. Competitive weightlifting encompasses two different forms: Olympic lifting includes the clean and jeik. and the snatch; and powerlifting includes a squat, bench. and a deadlift. Power– lifters train for strength, not for size. "Diet isn't a factor unless you want to main· tain a certain weight class," said Mayoral. Oub members also work on strength training which is not competitive, but is used between competitions and meets. In addition to the new diversity in the weightlifing dub, they also gained new equip– ment. "The football team has become involved in the pfopam for spring tfilining. The weightlift– ing dub with the help of the football team has been able to purchase new weightlifting equip– ment for the gym," said Mayoral. · • • •Michelle Keeseker •••••••••••••••••••••• T his year, the Tennis Oub acq~ired some promising members makmg the future of the dub look bright. "I'm having the best group of new people that I've had in a number of years.," said tennis dub coach Irv Lamon. "This is a good feeling.l have six or seven new guys, many of them were num· ber one on their high school teams." Lamon said he was careful with the young players. "They come over here and they're at a different level and they're really deflated when they find out now they're going to he number six instead of number one," he said. Competition hegins in February and ~ until May. The club competes against other varstty colleges, both state schools and private colleges. This causes competition to be very tough. "This is a credit to the young guys on our team, because they don't have all the luxuries and they don't get new rackets and all that stuff. They're there because they want to excel and many of them are working part time. It's not easy," said Lamon This year, the team scored victories against Willamette, Lewis and Clark:, Linfield- teams that the club usually finds difficult to compete against. • • •Michelle Keeseker ''If you take the continuous play of soc· cer, the contact and nmning of foot. hall, and the teamwork of basketbalL you have rugby," said Randy Howington, presi· dent of the Rugby Oub. When Howington took on the task of start· ing up a rugby dub this year at PSU, he knew that it was a city-based college and he expected to have difficulty in finding people that were interested and had time to spare. However, af. ter staffing a table between Smith Center and Neuberger Hall for only two hours, 34 people had signed up. Needless to say, Howington was "very pleased." The Oregon Sports Union [OSU) has pro– vided practice time apd instruction to PSU's Rugby Oub and will continue to assist the group until they are self-suft'icient. The OSU's goals are to promote the playing of rugby by es– tablishing play of national caliber. In the last two years they have established teams at eight or nine high schools in Oregon. At present, the practices are~~ teaching the members how to play. Playing IS the best way to learn, you can make corrections as you play," said Howington. Competition will begin with an open tour• nament in February which wiU kick off the sea– son. The team will compete with the eight oth– er colleges in the Oregon Rugby Union. "I just started playing in September," said member Joseph "Boots" Allen. "At first I was confused and apprehensive. It's not like Aus– tralian rules, though. There's not that kind of fighting. It seems to he difficult to understand, but it's a great game. I'D probably keep playing as long as there is a dub close by. It's highly ad– dictive." "The continuous pace gets the adrenaline pumping," Howington said. "You're~ moving. The teamwork, the glory of scormg points. It's the perfect competitive game. It has the best elements of aU competitive games combined." • • •Micbelle Keeseker • Student Activities/Club Sports
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