
' 'There are different ways to go about making social change," said ASP- SU president Jonny M~Mullen. He chose student government. "I think that being a representative, a leader in the community is important. For me politics seems to be a clear way to represent what I think are good ideas." In the spring 1990 elections, McMullen's "Fresh Vision" party campaigned for a student government that was given more respect, and plagued with less inner conflict than in previous years. "We wanted to see a more integrated govern– ment that at least was within itself strong," Mc– Mullen said. "You can't possibly show strength or credibility if you are fighting within yourself. We decided to display a credible group of people that were working together to achieve some ends. And I think that successfully we have done that. We have been a very cohesive group this year and we have stood in the face of a lot of opposi– tion and we have been very strong. "I have never seen a more integrated student government. We had a very positive experience this year. People that were involved in student council enjoyed the program we had here and ev– eryone has gotten along very well," McMullen said. · McMullen said he feels the key accomplish– ments include getting students involved in uni- versity decisions. Much effort was placed on fill– ing student positions on university committees, integrating with the administration and holding forums to achieve this goal. "We tried to put as many students as we possi– bly could in as many leadership roles throughout the campus as we possible could so the students would be represented on every key issue that oc– curred on campus," McMullen said. "We are finding that the administration is using us a re– source and expecting that we are going to be in– volved in a lot of key issues. Student needs are parallel with administrative decisions." McMullen also said he felt the student gov– ernment was instrumental in making Smith Cen– ter ionto more of a student union. "Portland State University is a fabulous school. I have learned more from the people I have associated with at this university then through academic rigors. The person that gradu– ates from this university is coming out as not only as educated in academics but well educated in life," he added. "I am very proud to say that I was the chief representative of this student body- that's the bottom line," finished McMullen. • • • Deborah Hallick