
Above: Mary Houston Mary Houston, 68, has been an artist all her life and has studied, lived and worked in New York for 44 years. As an artist, she did paper mache window displays with holiday themes for stores. She moved to Portland after her retirement last May. She is shown here taking advanced sculpture. Houston takes classes at PSU becau e "I wanted something to do... plus I have a lot to learn." • • • Liz Konsella Photo by Liz Konsoll• Above: Sid Spiegel, Tammy Lapsley. Photo by Liz Konsoll• Above: Sid Spiegel Sid Spiegel, 78, was a lawyer and picked up jewelry and working with sil– ver as a hobby after his retirement. He has been taking jewelry and metalsmithing with Gunnar Adamovics for a few years and en– joys working with his hands. "It's a challenge to be creative," he said, "you learn to be observant." When asked why he takes classes at PSU, he replied, "To get off the streets." Photos show Spiegel with Tammy Lapsley age 24, sculpture major. "I've gained a lot from my older student friends," Lapsley said. • • • Liz Konsella Student Life/Older Students