
, I ! Photo by Liz Konsolla Above: Dody Orendorff Dody Orendurff, 62, has six children, a master's in experimental psy– chology, has been in school since 1971 and has taken everything. "She has so much ex– perience," said her daughter, Deborah, " and is very bright." Currently Dody takes classes at PSU for per– sonal enjoyment; shown here in a British Women Writers class taught by Chris . Thompson. She is also taking organic chem– istry in which she is working on proving a theory of memory based on the bio-chemi– cal nature in the • • • Liz Konsella OLDER STUDENTS PROVIDE SENSE OF HISTORY TO PSU Marian Owen, 64, was an engineer for 40 years in four countries and is now obtaining her third bachelor's degree, this time in sculpture. "I wanted to be an artist and an engineer, but I couldn't be both," she said. "I come from a long line of poor folks." Owen is shown here in metal sculpture taught by Keith Jellum. In addition to pick– ing up her long-time desire to be an artist, Owen also enjoys being at PSU because of the other students in her classes. She al o enjoys traveling with Elder Hostel and will be going to China in August. • • • Liz Konsella Above: Marian Owen Student Life/Older Students