
Matthews Knows Numbers One of PSU's better-known students won't be on campus next year but will spend it studying at Cambridge. Annette Matthews, who has a double major in English and mathe– matics, was awarded the British Marshall Scholarship for two years of study at Cambridge. There she will seek an undergraduate final honors degree in mathematics. Matthews presently serves on the Oregon State Board of Higher Educa– tion as a student representative. But that isn't the only visible position she's held since beginning at PSU. During the 1988-89 school year, she served as student body president. 56 Matthews recalled being advised by a graduate student working in the university honors program to get involved in extracurricular activities. She was told that all work and no play not only made life boring, b1;l,t that also the additional activities would im– prove her employment opportunities in the 'real world'. So as a sophomore and junior Mat– thews worked for the Portland Review magazine. "I started out promising myself that I wouldn't work any more than six hours per week at the Review/' she said. "Then, when I was asked to become the associate editor a few months later, I promised myself I wouldn't work anymore than eight hours per week. I just couldn~ imagine staying away from my studies for any longer than that." The following year she became editor for the Review. But her extracur– ricular activities didn't stop there. She served as a senator for ASPSU, a mem– ber on various boards and committees, · and she also gave several presentations in the areas of mathematics and litera– ture. Although extracurricular activities are important, what makes Matthews an "overall achiever" is the combina– tion of these activities with academic