Exibiting Art "The Art Exhibition Committee Coordinator of the Art Exhibition is a student group, a volunteer Committee. group who is responsible for the There were 65 members on the works we hang in our galleries. The Art Exhibition Committee this year, members help... I try to make it a with half a dozen members most learning experience, particularly so intimately involved. The committee the people that are interested in art met regularly to view slides of vari- can get real hands on experience ous works and decide which artists about what goes on in a gallery. Our to present in shows. A reception primary concern is to show a good marks the opening of each show, and quality of artwork here so that stu- student members have an opportu- dents who never leave campus have nity to be in on the whole process, an idea of what's going on, and we from creating press releases and try to be fairly representative. We try announcements, to hanging and to be timely. You know, the best we taking down each show. can do on a limited budget. A lot of "The show that's up right now artists who show here do so with (Feb 7) is a triumph. The show that new work, sometimes established was originally scheduled was can- artists who just want to see what the celed," said Levesque. "This Gwen reaction is to their latest direction," Davidson (the artist featured), she said Sharlene Levesque, Director of got her MFA here in 1986, she's been Littman and White Galleries and working in this direction. I went to 36 her studio, I liked the work, and showed it and she got a call from biggest art gallery in town. And lab they're interested. That was great, fill you know, that launched her now. stu And that makes us feel like every- gal body benefited from that. gal "We have two shows a month, be ten months of the year. It's a very heavy s~hedule, it's more than most thE commercial galleries have. But we be< treat the two galleries separately. rur We only hang photographs in the rm: White Gallery because it's not se- we cure for anything else. It gets more ne' attention than the Littman Gallery wo does- there are people who don't Le' even know we are here, and it pa· shE me, because we put a lot of hard cos work in here. We take it very seri- tio1 ously," said Levesque. The committee does not show lov
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